Monday March 26, 2012

“The most efficient way to eliminate asbestos- related diseases is to stop using all types of asbestos.”

The World Health Organization


The Committee to Ban Asbestos in America (CBAA) was formed by public health advocates to ban asbestos and fund federal medical and educational programs in the United States.

Position on Pending Federal Legislation

The CBAA supports passage of (1) the “Committee Print” under deliberation by the U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on Environment and Hazardous Materials of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, which is intended to ban asbestos-containing products (ACP), and (2) the associated Subcommittee on Health draft, which includes the Murray/McCollum health components.

Sponsored by:

The Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization
The John McNamara Foundation

Committee Members

Linda Reinstein, ADAO Executive Director and Cofounder, Committee to Ban Asbestos in America Chairperson

Laurie Kazan – Allen, Founder and Coordinator of the International Ban Asbestos Secretariat (IBAS)

Dr. Barry Castleman, ScD, Environmental Consultant

Dr. Arthur Frank
, Chair, Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, Drexel University School, of Public Health ADAO Science Advisory Board Co-Chair 

Dr. Michael Harbut
, Co-Director, Karmanos Cancer Institute National Center for Vermiculite and Asbestos-Related Cancers, Director, Center for Occupational and Environmental Health
Doug Larkin, ADAO Communications Director and Cofounder

Dr. Richard Lemen
, Assistant Surgeon General (retired), Former Deputy Director of NIOSH, ADAO Science Advisory Board Co-Chair

TC McNamara
, The John McNamara Foundation Founder and Mesothelioma Widow

Jordan Zevon
, ADAO National Spokesperson, Son of Warren Zevon

Paul Zygielbaum
, ADAO Project Manager and Mesothelioma Patient

1525 Aviation Boulevard, Suite 318
Redondo Beach, California 90278
Phone (310) 437-3886
Media Contact:

Douglas Larkin
Communications Director
Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO)
Phone: (703) 250-1245; Cell: (202) 391-1546